Designing your products

We are a product design and engineering consultancy that specialises in structural polymers

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Product Design

We create high quality engineering designs by understanding the core requirements of our clients and end users. We will deliver an exceptional product fit for purpose and based on our solid understanding of polyethylene engineering principles.

We create high quality engineering designs. We will deliver an exceptional product based on our solid understanding of polyethylene engineering.

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Polymer Engineering

Polymers for Structural Applications

Deck 500 solidworks design

We develop cost effective polymer solutions for structural applications across a range of industries

We work closely with end users and developers to implement cost effective polymer solutions for their applications across a variety of industries, including marine, utilities and energy.

Polymer Capabilities

Volta solidworks design

DesignX develop, test, and design polymer products using a wide range of manufacturing techniques and materials.

DesignX offers unique capabilities to design, develop, test and validate polymer products using a wide range of manufacturing techniques and materials, primarily using the robust and reliable polyethylene.

We design

Exceptional Products

We apply a practical level of innovation and technology to deliver products that are fit for purpose.


Our products are based on sound engineering principles.


Our diverse experiences lead to a wide range of unique solutions.


You decide if we're involved with the entire product development or core components.

We have a wide range of core engineering experiences, primarily in mechanical and structural, but also in hydraulics, electronics and software. This wide foundation gives us the ability to step back from complex problems and provide a well rounded, practical solution that's right for you.

We have a wide range of core engineering experiences, primarily in mechanical and structural, but also in hydraulics, electronics and software.

Our satisfied clients include

DesignX are an invaluable part of our product development process. We have benefited greatly from their insightful approach.

Steve Hamshaw, Managing Director at Peak Pipe Systems

We are pleased to have DesignX fully embedded in a number of our product development projects.

Adam Young, Product Development Manager at Gael Force Group

Let's Get In Touch!

Ready to start your next project with us? That's great! Give us a call or send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible!